Skin Sensitivity Struggles: Why We're Committed to Safer, Gentler Clothing


Time to Read: 1 min

Hey there everyone, it's Amanda. Well, we made it to February! I must say I have no idea how we're already in week 5 of 2025?

Unless you've personally dealt with it, skin sensitivities and clothing allergies are probably not something you give much thought to on a daily basis. But for my sister Katie and many others, it's an issue that can have a major impact on our lives. So today, I wanted to open up about Katie's experiences, because it's a topic that's incredibly important to us as a brand.

You see, Katie has had some pretty nasty reactions to certain fabrics, including a recent incident where she had a bad reaction to a pair of cosy Christmas slipper socks. You know the ones...

Katie felt a prickly heat under her skin that quickly escalated into a red, blistering rash. She says the socks, which at first felt like sliding her foot into heaven, ended up being more like hell for her sensitive skin.

A couple of summers ago, Katie had an even more severe reaction whilst staying with me in Surrey that landed her in A&E. Katie was hooked up to an IV drip to receive antihistamine treatment and get her allergic reaction under control. With no phone signal to distract us, I decided the best thing I could do to support her through it was draw her. Pretty accurate, don't you think? 😅

According to research published in the Contact Dermatitis journal,

"up to 30% of the general population report experiencing textile-related skin irritations." [1]

In the last six months we've seen a real surge in customers actively seeking out our organic cotton essentials specifically to avoid the irritation they experience from synthetic fabrics.

Watching Katie go through these reactions has been really eye-opening. It made us start questioning what we were putting on our bodies every day, particularly when it came to the basics we wear closest to our skin. Our skin is our largest, and second most absorbent organ, what we wear against it all day matters.

We'd really love to hear if this is something you've ever grappled, if you're happy to share in the comments at the bottom of this blog post! We're so keen to understand how skin sensitivities impacted your wardrobe choices? And what would you like to see from brands like ours to better support you to deal with these issues?

Looking forward to reading through your experiences and thank you for taking the time to share with us!

Speak soon,

Amanda xx


I like your crop tanks and “the crop“ bras because they are free from metal. If metal touches my skin I get a very severe reaction. Most bras contain metal on the straps.

Dawn Smith

Hi! I’ve always had alot of sensitivities and have a severe allergies to latex. I have always gravitated towards natural fibres but as I get older (44) I can’t bear to swear synthetics at all now. If I do I perspire more, develop eczema patches under my arms and on my back, feel generally less at peace, irritable and hotter!!
I’ve never had to have a hospital appointment due to my sensitivities, but always carry antihistamines and my epi pen.
Have bought a bodysuit from you and looking ve it. Will be back for more xx

Julie cocker

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